bookings &tickets*
​(*Subject to new year change)
What is the difference between a Day Ticket and a Party Ticket?
A 'Day Ticket' allow entry from '10.30 am until 1 am'. In other words... from the very start of the event to the very end. These are £35 each. If you are a competitor, then this is the ticket you require. If you want to spectate for the full 15+ hours, then this is the ticket you require. (You also are allowed in and out of the venue all day).
A 'Party Ticket' allows entry from ‘7 pm until 1 am'. These are £12 each online or £15 each on the door. If you want to see the prize giving and/or want to join in the evening freestyle, then this is the ticket you require. You cannot enter any competitions if you have only purchased a Party Ticket. Note that if you purchase an evening ticket, you will not be allowed entry before 7 pm.
How do I buy tickets and competition places?
Complete your purchase online. Booking online guarantees your place and is quick and easy. Decide how many tickets you require, whether you want to spectate or compete, and if competing in what categories. Please also make sure you have all your partner(s) details to hand too. Then have your debit or credit card to hand and follow the booking wizard to complete your purchase. You will be finally transferred to PayPal payment thereafter follow their instructions.
How do I cancel the application and payment process once I have started it?
Whilst filling out the application form on the booking page you can either hit the Back button (top left-hand corner of screen, green button with the arrow in it) which takes you back to the previous page, or you can just close the connection. If you have been transferred to the PayPal payment page then a cancel button can be found.​
Is the online payment process safe?
The online payment process is a secure process with PayPal. With PayPal, your financial data is stored away in a single online "vault", whereas the same can't be said when transmitting credit card or bank data online on the internet.
How do I get my wristbands and dance numbers?
Your numbered wristbands (and dance numbers if you are competing), will be available for collection at the venue on the Friday night 'Dance with the Stars' freestyle (recommended), or on Saturday at the Welsh Champs, if not collected prior.
If you purchase your tickets late then these will be available to pick up with the others. There will be a pre-purchased ticket pick up point in the front lobby when you arrive.
Do I need to bring the numbered ticket with me on the day?
Everything you need will be within your envelope which you will collect at the venue. If you collect your pack on Friday evening please ensure that you are wearing your wristband for speedier entry on Saturday morning.
Currency Policy
All transactions are made in Great British Pounds (£)