1st Adam Price & Hanna Webster
2nd Bruce Clark & Naomi Gray
3rd Ciaran Black & Chloe Iles

1st Taz Silva and Sarah-Cate Marchie
2nd Chris Arnold and Dorota Czubat
3rd Hani Risheq and Georgina Eaton-Risheq

Over 50s
1st Sarah Lloyd-Clarey & Chris Arnold
2nd Steve Abbot & Corinne McDonald
3rd Andy Hill & Tricia Webb

Top Cats Am Ladies
1st Ella Scott
2nd Immy Hearn
3rd Dorota Czubat
Top Cats Am Men
1st Ryan Scarratt
2nd Rob White
3rd Hassine Bayrem

Pro Am Follow
1st Matt Evans and Jasmine Usher
2nd Barry Watson and Ella Scott
3rd Jay Low and Dorota Czubat

Pro Am Lead
1st Rob White and Fran Carroll
2nd Ryan Scarratt and Emily Kemp
3rd Chris Arnold and Emily Attwood

Funked Up
1st Greg Urch & Emily Attwood
2nd Matt Evans & Vicki Vasiliauskaite
3rd Victor Devito & Michelle Lanham-Brown

1st Rob White & Jeanette Butler
2nd Millie Fox & Jasmine Usher
3rd Gavin Jones & Clara Downton

Top Cats Pro Ladies
1st Emily Attwood
2nd Alice Rutter
3rd Anna Campbell

Top Cats Pro Men
1st Matthew Blain
2nd Matt Evans
3rd Jay Low

1st James Tucker and Ilona Johnson

1st Clement Darfeuille and Della Izadi
2nd Christopher Bishop and Irene Torreggiani
3rd Ali Alzoubi and Lina Walker

1st Matt Evans & Stephanie Oram
2nd Peter Nichol & Alice Rutter
3rd Barry Watson & Emily Attwood
4th Jordan & Fran 5th Jay & Sarah 6th Michelle & Gary