Tag team
FREE per tag team plus admission.
Number of places available in this category: 10 tag teams
In this section you need to make up a threesome. If you can't make up your mind which partner, this is the event for you - choose them both!
Competition Rules
This category is open to all, amateur and professional.
Each team must consist of three people in any combination of male/female dancers.
Each team must comprise of TWO leaders and ONE follow. The follow must remain the follower throughout the competition and will be given the competition number.
The dancing must be continuous but the lead is allowed to change from one partner to another.
The lead and follow aspect of the dance must clearly be demonstrated by clean changes between swapping partners. There will be a maximum of 2 beats given when changing partners.
The leaders can move around their partners, dance on their own or be static when not connected to their follower.
Entrants will dance to music chosen by the organisers. This could be anything from the 40's to what’s in the charts today.
All judging will be by a points system. Dancers are encouraged to dance to the end of their heat. Qualifying dancers will be asked back to the next round. Judges decisions are final.
Points will be awarded for style, innovation, musical interpretation, quality of dancing, smoothness of leader changes, synchronisation of dancers as well as the variety of moves.
Judges will also award points for dress and presentation.
Any triple that has any assistance during the dancing in the heats who is not part of the triple will mean instant disqualification for the triple involved.
The dance must be recognisable as Ceroc. Lindy Hop, Jitterbug, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, 50s style Rock 'n' Roll, Ballroom Jive etc are not Ceroc and therefore are not permitted.
This section is open to everyone including teachers/professionals.
Competitor numbers are strictly limited so places are allocated on a first come first served basis.
CSW reserves the right to change the programme and competition if necessary without consultation.
The event will be recorded by film, video and photograph; these may be used for Ceroc promotional purposes without any obligation.
The organisers accept no responsibility for loss or injury to persons or possessions in relation to this event.