Team Cabaret
FREE team entry plus individual admission.
Number of places available in this category: 4 teams
Competitors choose their own piece of music and perform their own choreography. This year we have not restricted the number of hold-breaks or drops/lifts in order to allow more artistic freedom.
Competition Rules
Routines can be in any style of dance (partnered or solo) and will be judged for their ‘entertainment’ value. This takes consideration of, but not limited to:
Musical Interpretation
Quality of Dancing
Performance: engagement with audience and one another and use of expression
Imagination: Innovation of theme and content
Use of Space: Formation, shape and placement
Complexity: challenge of choreography with relation to number of dancers.
This category is open to all, amateur and professional.
A team must be between 6 and 30 dancers.
Each team must nominate a Representative (Team Leader) or Choreographer through whom all discussions will take place.
Each team must dance to their own music which must be provided to the organisers of Welsh Champs by no later than 3 weeks before the event. Format: As a file sent to WelshChamps@hotmail.com or shared location. It is your responsibility to make sure CSW have a working copy and make sure CSW have acknowledged they have received your file. On some form of USB memory (eg stick) with MP3 or unprotected AAC, WAV, AIF. Digital Format Quality: 192 kbps, 44 kHz or higher. Length: Between 3 - 6 minutes in length. (Please note that we cannot accept tapes, CDs or minidiscs).
Team leaders must submit a definitive list of all team members and the final name of the Team at least 10 days prior to the event.
All individual team members must purchase a Day Entry ticket to the event to be able to take part in this competition.
Any performance which is either under 3 minutes or over 6 minutes will be penalised.
Judges decisions are final.
CSW reserves the right to change the programme and competition if necessary without consultation.
The event will be recorded by film, video and photography; these may be used for Ceroc promotional purposes without any obligation.
The organisers accept no responsibility for loss or injury to persons or possessions in relation to this event.
There will be no refund for entrants who pull out of this category either before or during the event.